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Setting up a Web Server in Your Basement

Part 4: Set Up the Web Pages (Content) for Your Site

We now want to provide a separate account to set up the server content. This allows others the change the content with having to user the server administrator's account. We can also "jail" the web maintainers account so it can only work in the web site directories and below. They cannot go "up" and get at operating system files (i.e. they can't install packages).

Using PuTTY log in with the administror's account. I chose the web maintence account to be www so the following steps create the webberwww account and the highest level directory.

Create a "webberwww" group for maintenance
sudo groupadd webberwww

Create a "webberwww" user for maintenance
sudo useradd -d /var/www/sooty -m webberwww -g webberwww

Set the "webberwww" user password
sudo passwd webberwww

Create the root directory and set ownership
sudo mkdir /var/www/sooty
sudo chown webberwww /var/www/sooty
sudo chgrp webberwww /var/www/sooty

sysadmin@webber:~$ ls /var/www -l
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 root      root        96 Jun 30 14:41 index.html
drwxr-xr-x 9 webberwww webberwww 4096 Jun 30 23:11 sooty

Create the sub-directories for
...log in as webberwww (so the subdirectories are owned by webberwww)
mkdir /var/www/sooty/BCP
mkdir /var/www/sooty/pix
mkdir /var/www/sooty/plasma
mkdir /var/www/sooty/shippers
mkdir /var/www/sooty/trends
mkdir /var/www/sooty/whitepapers

Load up web pages from their backup archive on Window computer
c:\putty\pscp -v -pw password C:\WebBCK\index.html   webberwww@
c:\putty\pscp -v -pw password C:\WebBCK\contact.html webberwww@
...and 200 more files...

With the website populated we can move on to providing FTP to our users.

Next...Part 5: Set up file upload/download (FTP server)

Part 1: Back to server installation (LAMP configuration)

Part 2: Back to router configuration

Part 3: Back to DNS Provider setup

Part 6: Set up mail server (SMTP/MX server)